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As an SEO agency, we understand that keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. It helps us identify the right terms to target, understand market trends, and gain insights into our competitors’ strategies. To support our work, we use a mix of both free and paid keyword research tools. Below, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of these tools that are crucial to building effective SEO campaigns. Whether you’re looking to refine your approach or just starting out, this guide will help you navigate the essential resources for keyword research.

Paid Keyword Research Tools

Unlock the potential of your digital marketing campaigns with paid keyword research tools. These advanced tools offer deeper insights, robust data, and a competitive edge crucial for effective SEO and PPC strategies. This guide reviews the top paid options, highlighting their features and benefits to enhance your online visibility and targeting precision.

At Bird, we are longtime users of Ahrefs and love the tool for its comprehensive capabilities. Ahrefs offers robust solutions for keyword research with both paid and free options. The Ahrefs Keyword Explorer is a premium tool within the Ahrefs suite, providing detailed keyword insights, competition analysis, and in-depth market exploration. For those seeking no-cost options, the Ahrefs Keyword Generator offers valuable keyword suggestions and basic insights, allowing you to enhance your SEO and PPC strategies effectively and affordably.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Delivers extensive keyword research capabilities and competitor data.
  • Clients: SEO professionals and marketers who require in-depth research and competitive insights.
  • Services Offered: Keyword generation, SEO metrics, and competitor keyword analysis.
  • Perks: Part of a robust suite of SEO tools, although with limited features in the free version.

Alongside Ahrefs, we at Bird also utilize SEMrush for comprehensive keyword research, leveraging both its free and paid offerings. SEMrush’s free version Keyword Magic Tool provides essential keyword data and trends that are perfect for initial research phases. For more advanced needs, the paid SEMrush keyword tool offers extensive keyword analytics, competitive intelligence, and deeper SEO insights, complementing our use of Ahrefs to ensure a robust digital marketing strategy.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Provides a comprehensive keyword research tool with detailed search data.
  • Clients: Digital marketing professionals and agencies looking for exhaustive keyword databases.
  • Services Offered: Keyword discovery, seasonality, and detailed performance metrics.
  • Perks: Includes advanced features like keyword grouping and filtering, facilitating targeted campaign strategies.


Moz offers a range of SEO tools, including both free and paid versions of their Moz Keyword Explorer, which excels in delivering keyword suggestions and SERP analysis with actionable insights. At Bird, we used Moz a long time ago but eventually transitioned to other tools after finding their data to be more reliable for our specific needs. While Moz provides a solid foundation for keyword research and SEO strategy, our experience led us to seek alternatives that better align with our requirements for accuracy and depth in data analysis.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Specialises in keyword discovery and SEO strategy optimization.
  • Clients: SEO experts and content managers focusing on enhancing search engine rankings.
  • Services Offered: Keyword research, SERP analysis, and organic click-through-rate data.
  • Perks: Known for its user-friendly interface and high-quality, reliable data.

Serpstat is a comprehensive SEO platform offering keyword research, SERP analysis, website audits, and competitor tracking.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Offers a full suite of SEO tools to improve search engine rankings and content marketing.
  • Clients: SEO agencies, marketers, and businesses needing a multi-tool approach to SEO.
  • Services Offered: Extensive SEO toolkit including keyword research, website analysis, and backlink tracking.
  • Perks: Provides a holistic approach to SEO, with tools designed to enhance all aspects of SEO strategy.

Keyword Tool Dominator targets niche keyword tools for platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Google, offering unique keyword suggestions.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Focuses on unlocking long-tail keyword opportunities across various platforms.
  • Clients: E-commerce marketers and sellers using platforms like Amazon, eBay, and YouTube.
  • Services Offered: Niche keyword research for specific online marketplaces and search engines.
  • Perks: Helps users to discover untapped keyword niches that are less competitive.

SECockpit is known for its speed and depth in keyword research, often used by SEO professionals for detailed project management.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Specialises in fast and detailed keyword research and analysis.
  • Clients: SEO consultants and agencies needing rapid and extensive keyword data analysis.
  • Services Offered: Advanced keyword research, including filtering and sorting by numerous SEO metrics.
  • Perks: Offers one of the fastest keyword research experiences on the market, with comprehensive filtering options. uses Google Autocomplete to generate hundreds of long-tail keywords for any topic.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Specialises in generating long-tail keyword suggestions quickly and efficiently.
  • Clients: Content creators, marketers, and SEO specialists looking for extensive long-tail keyword options.
  • Services Offered: Keyword generation from autocomplete data from Google and other search engines.
  • Perks: Provides a free version with valuable data, with more advanced features available in the paid version.

KWFinder focuses on finding long-tail keywords with low SEO difficulty, ideal for boosting organic search rankings.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Provides easy-to-use tools for finding low-competition keywords.
  • Clients: SEO beginners and small business owners looking to gain an edge in organic search.
  • Services Offered: Keyword research, SERP analysis, and SEO metric evaluation.
  • Perks: User-friendly interface and targeted approach for improving SEO effectiveness.

Jaaxy is designed for affiliate marketers to discover profitable keywords and track rankings in various search engines.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Provides tools for keyword discovery and competition analysis tailored to affiliate marketing.
  • Clients: Affiliate marketers and online entrepreneurs looking to optimize their online presence.
  • Services Offered: Keyword research, niche discovery, and ranking performance tracking.
  • Perks: Offers straightforward metrics that help users quickly identify high-return opportunities.

Free Keyword Research Tools

Maximize your SEO and PPC strategies without stretching your budget with free keyword research tools. This part of our guide introduces the best free options available, showcasing how they can provide valuable insights and improve your online marketing efforts. Explore these tools to enhance your website’s visibility and effectively target your ideal audience, all at no cost.

At Bird, we have fully embraced ChatGPT as an integral part of our SEO toolkit. This AI-driven tool has proven invaluable for keyword research, generating innovative content ideas, and providing insights into keyword strategy and SEO best practices. ChatGPT helps us quickly brainstorm and refine ideas, ensuring that our content is not only relevant but also optimized for search engines. By leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities, we have enhanced our SEO processes, allowing us to respond more effectively to market trends and audience interests. Using the free version of ChatGPT 3.5, we can generate good ideas that further enhance our SEO efforts.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Provides AI-driven responses to help with SEO and content creation.
  • Clients: SEO specialists, marketers, and content creators needing quick, AI-supported insights.
  • Services Offered: Content generation and query answering related to keywords and SEO.
  • Perks: Versatile tool for brainstorming and generating content ideas efficiently.

Google Trends analyzes the popularity of top search queries across various regions and languages, offering a graphical representation of historical data and trends. At Bird, our team uses Google Trends extensively to find trending topics for our clients. The remarkable thing about it is that it’s completely free, providing invaluable insights without any cost. It’s also good to see if a client’s niche or services could be in decline, leading to fewer inquiries and affecting overall strategy.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Focuses on the trends of keyword searches over time to gauge interest and seasonality.
  • Clients: Researchers, marketers, and journalists who need to understand trends for better content and marketing strategies.
  • Services Offered: Visualization of keyword popularity over time and by region.
  • Perks: Free tool that integrates with other Google services for comprehensive SEO and marketing insights.

Google Keyword Planner is designed for advertisers but is also extensively used by our team at Bird for both SEO and PPC research. We prefer this tool over others primarily because it utilizes Google’s own data. While the free version provides a range of data, investing in a small Google Ads campaign, even just $5/£5, unlocks full data access for each keyword. This makes it a valuable investment for gaining precise insights that significantly enhance our campaign strategies.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Supports advertising and marketing campaigns with robust keyword data.
  • Clients: Advertisers and marketers who plan PPC campaigns and SEO strategies.
  • Services Offered: Keyword discovery and performance forecasting.
  • Perks: Integrates directly with Google Ads to enhance campaign planning.

AlsoAsked explores how topics branch out from initial search questions, providing deeper insights into user queries. At Bird, we have utilized the free version of AlsoAsked on several projects to efficiently generate a comprehensive list of relevant questions for our clients’ strategies. This feature is particularly handy as it allows us to gather all necessary data in one run, enhancing our understanding of audience needs and improving content relevancy.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Maps out the relationship between user queries and subsequent questions.
  • Clients: Content strategists and SEO professionals looking to deepen their understanding of topic areas.
  • Services Offered: Visualisation of question patterns and topic exploration.
  • Perks: Helps in building a more structured content strategy based on real user questions.

Keyword Surfer is a free Chrome extension that offers instant keyword suggestions and SEO metrics directly in Google search results.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Provides real-time keyword data and search volumes within Google search pages.
  • Clients: Useful for SEO specialists and content marketers looking for quick insights.
  • Services Offered: Offers keyword suggestions and traffic estimations.
  • Perks: Integrates seamlessly with browsing, offering a convenient user experience.

AnswerThePublic has long been celebrated for its ability to harness search data to generate a wide range of commonly asked questions and related keywords. While recent changes under Neil Patel’s ownership have introduced more limitations on the free version, the tool continues to offer value for basic research needs.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Specialises in visual keyword research and content ideas generation.
  • Clients: Content creators and marketers who need to understand audience queries and concerns.
  • Services Offered: Generates question-focused keyword suggestions.
  • Perks: Provides visually appealing reports and comprehensive data.

Keyword Sheeter is an invaluable tool for anyone beginning their keyword research. It extracts ideas directly from Google autocomplete, offering a fast and efficient method for bulk keyword generation. This tool is particularly great for obtaining a broad array of keyword ideas, laying a solid foundation for more detailed SEO and marketing strategies.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Focuses on generating a high volume of keyword suggestions quickly.
  • Clients: SEO professionals and content strategists seeking expansive keyword lists.
  • Services Offered: Bulk keyword generation based on seed keywords.
  • Perks: Offers a free tool with the option to buy data sheets for deeper insights.

Keyworddit is unique in extracting keywords from Reddit, offering insights into what users are discussing in various subreddits.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Captures user-generated content keywords from Reddit.
  • Clients: Marketers looking to tap into niche markets and understand community discussions.
  • Services Offered: Keyword extraction from subreddit conversations.
  • Perks: Free access and easy to use interface.

QuestionDB sources questions from the web to help users create content that answers popular queries.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Specialises in identifying questions related to specific topics for content creation.
  • Clients: Content marketers and writers aiming to address common audience questions.
  • Services Offered: Database of questions for targeted content planning.
  • Perks: Streamlines the research process for writing SEO-friendly articles.

Soovle is a customizable engine that aggregates keyword suggestions from major platforms like Google, YouTube, Bing, and more.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Aggregates search suggestions from multiple search engines and platforms.
  • Clients: Ideal for marketers and content creators who utilize multi-platform SEO strategies.
  • Services Offered: Provides search suggestions and saves search term lists.
  • Perks: Free and easy to use, offering a broad view of keyword strategies across platforms.

Keywords Everywhere is a browser add-on that displays keyword data on top of Google Search, YouTube, and other platforms.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Offers convenient, on-the-spot keyword analytics across multiple platforms.
  • Clients: Content creators, marketers, and online entrepreneurs who multi-task across various sites.
  • Services Offered: Instant keyword metrics such as search volume, cost per click, and competition data.
  • Perks: Enables efficient research with metrics readily available during searches.

Ubersuggest offers SEO insights and keyword suggestions to improve content marketing and search engine visibility.

Perks and Services:

  • Company Focus: Provides comprehensive keyword research tools and competitive analysis.
  • Clients: Used by small businesses and SEO professionals.
  • Services Offered: Keyword tracking, domain overview, and content ideas.
  • Perks: Features a user-friendly interface with limited free access.

Ready to Enhance Your Keyword Research?

Navigating the sea of keyword research tools can be daunting, but having the right tools at your disposal is crucial for crafting effective SEO and PPC strategies. Whether you opt for the granular insights of paid tools or the broad overviews offered by free versions, each tool has its strengths that can significantly enhance your digital marketing efforts. As you continue to explore these options, remember that the best tool is the one that aligns perfectly with your business objectives and budget. Armed with the insights from this guide, you’re now better equipped to choose wisely and drive your online success.

Luke Hickman

Luke is a digital marketing specialist at Bird since 2017, handling over 100 projects across various sectors. Skilled in SEO, PPC, and strategic planning, he delivers customized solutions to boost online presence and engagement for clients. If you would like your tool to be added to our list, please contact us at this email: [email protected].